In September 2001, David and Michelle Broodryk moved to a major city in South Africa with a vision to ignite movements of the gospel. By 2008 new movements began to emerge in 8 different Southern Africa countries. David spent several years travelling extensively to support and coach these emerging movements. He also joined a new team that was forming in San José, California (now called New Generations). This team began to see miraculous movements emerge across Sub-Sahara Africa.

Other partnerships expanded our influence into 16 Eurasian countries. By 2012 many new movements were emerging, and we were actively mentoring the leaders. 

God speaks to us about Cities

By 2010 we had begun to question why the current methodologies were proving ineffective in cities around the world.  A projection that the world will be 70% urban by 2050, led to the question, “What would it take to disciple the cities of the world?”  

Two Four Eight began to sense that God was specifically leading us to focus on catalysing Disciple-Making Movements in global cities.

For five years (2010-2015) we entered a time of urban research. We organized learning groups with leaders in the USA, UK, Europe, Africa and Asia under a banner we called “Accelerate.” From these discussions, a global relational network was birthed that continues to grow to this day. New work was starting in several countries and the new urban training was beginning to take shape. 

2020 Online training

Then in March 2020, Covid-19 sent South Africa into hard lockdown. The team was able to pivot rapidly to a “new normal.” Under the stress of lockdown, we were able to develop online training pathways and establish new teams globally. The “God Movements Training” grew rapidly in both content and global influence. 

2021/22 Momentum

In March 2021, we established a new operational base in Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.  We re-aligned as a globally dispersed team and the work accelerated in growth.  The rural movements that we were still leading were released to highly competent leaders who will continue to lead and grow the work. Today, Two Four Eight is well positioned, prepared and completely focused on expanding the gospel through movements into the cities of the world.

2023 and Beyond

We have handed over our rural projects and they will continue to grow. At the same time, our deep connections and relationships with these rural leaders provide massive opportunity for access to global cities. Many of our historic relationships will continue to relate with us as we help them pioneer into their own cities. We are perfectly positioned to accomplish the vision of mobilising movements in 100 cities around the world.

Next: Why we Exist