Why we Exist

We exist to multiply Disciple Making Movements in the cities of the world. 
Our Vision is to catalyse 1000 affinity-based Disciple Making Movements
multiplying across 100 cities in 6 global regions by 2050. 

The following descriptions may help to give more definition to these statements… 

Disciple-Making Movements are defined by the rapid spread of the Gospel through ordinary people, and multiplication of new disciples that results in new faith communities (churches).

Affinity-based movements multiply within large affinity groups of people who have strong relational ties through some common factor such as locality, age, sport, culture, art, etc. These are also sometimes referred to as various Sectors of society.

Global Regions categorised by a list of global regions and sub-regions that Two Four Eight has compiled.

Cities include high population density regions including inner city, urban slums, refugee communities near cities, suburban communities and urban sprawl. It also refers to addressing the emerging global urban culture that is rapidly transforming our urbanizing world. 

2050 is the current date by which the UN projects that 70% of the world population will live in cities. The tipping point into majority urban was reached in 2007. Currently the world is around 55% urban.