Working with God

“Excuse me, is your name David?”

I had gone to a coffee shop to do some work.  As I entered the coffee shop, I felt a nudge to walk to sit at a different table to my usual spot.  After about 20 minutes, I looked up from my work and scanned my surroundings.  I wondered about the people around me.  How was God at work around me?  I whispered a quick prayer and asked Him to show me.

Several minutes later there was a stranger standing in front of me.  He asked if my name was David.

“Yes, that is me.  How can I help you?” I replied.

The man went on the explain that had been following me online for two years.   He had wanted to meet with me but had been unsuccessful at making contact.   I invited him to sit down.  Soon, it became apparent that God was at work in our conversation.

Join what the Father is doing

You and I cannot create a Gospel Movement.  We can only observe what God is doing, ask Him to speak to us, and respond in obedience.  God is already at work, and He invites us to join Him in this work.  Even Jesus understood this.  He declared that He could do nothing without first seeing the Father do it.  

Jesus had spiritual vision that could see what the Father was up to.  He did everything out of a deep dependence on the Father, keeping His eyes on God and doing only what He first saw the Father doing.  Effective ministry begins when we observe what the Father is doing, listen for His guidance and respond in obedient action.

Are you a drug dealer?

On another occasion, I had set apart some time for prayer in a public park close to my home.  It was nice quiet place to walk in nature and pray.  As I walked, I sensed a nudge from the Lord to sit down on a nearby bench.  Soon, a young man approached me.

“Excuse me, do you have any drugs?”

I asked the young man why he was asking for drugs.  He went on to describe his life struggles.  He had a broken relationship with his father.  In that moment, I was able to be a father to him.  I prayed with him and gave him my phone number.  For several weeks afterwards, I met with him weekly and helped him pave a new direction for his life.

God is always at work – actively drawing people towards Himself.  The first step to effective ministry is to know where God is working and to join Him in His work.  You can learn more in our free online training.

NEXT: Cities Need Movements