Invitation to God’s Movement

Over the years, Introduction to God’s Movement (ITGM) has sparked transformative conversations, united teams, and empowered disciple-makers to understand and navigate the unique complexities of their cities. We’re thrilled that ITGM has made an impact in over 50 cities globally, helping leaders become more effective toward movement in urban spaces. We are thrilled that the latest […]

How do we create a Discipleship Culture

‘Creativity follows a lifestyle of contemplation and prayer’. Close friends of ours have a simple rhythm of praying for 30 mins before bed. Years ago, we had the privilege of staying with them in the Middle East. After dinner on the first evening, they invited us to pray together. We thanked Jesus for the day […]

Navigating Complexity

I vividly remember learning, from the likes of David Watson and David Broodryk, about how God was igniting movements to Jesus all over the world.

Defining Movements

Movements can generally be defined as, “a revolutionary idea that spreads rapidly through existing social networks, challenging the status quo until it brings about massive social change.”

Understanding Affinity

By the year 2050, over 70% of the world’s population will live in cities.  This global shift leaves us wrestling with the question, “What does ‘ta ethne’ (go to all nations) mean in an increasingly urban world?”

Please tell me who I am

Each generation faces a unique challenge.  The challenge being experienced by this next emerging generation is a crisis of identity.

Teams Start Movements

With this clear call, Jesus launched the first team to advance his new Kingdom message.  They would become the team that would herald the coming of the Messiah – the hope of Israel.

Working with God

I had gone to a coffee shop to do some work.  As I entered the coffee shop, I felt a nudge to walk to sit at a different table to my usual spot.

Cities Need Movements

“Something is wrong,” I blurted out, as I sat upright in bed.  It was a Sunday morning.  My wife and I were pastoring a church that we had planted five years earlier.

Become a City Catalyst

At Two Four Eight, we use the term “City Catalyst” to refer to the person who works with God and with city leaders to multiply disciples and faith communities across the city.