Australia lights up

“It is so exciting to see that having trained the group on Introduction to God Movements  (ITGM), the ideas of Discovery Bible Study and Disciple Making Movements have been lit in new areas in Australia, New Zealand and beyond. It can almost be likened to a wildfire.” Sally Butler from the Fruit Pickers team in Sydney, Australia.

Everyone who attended the recently presented ITGM training, were really committed to the process and took it seriously. There is already excitement about the next training opportunity. Someone from New Zealand attended the training and is seeing the early beginnings of a pioneer disciple-making team being birthed. Opportunity for a training in Queensland, Australia is opening up, and a potential team in Perth is forming.

When participants were asked what stood out to them in the training, a young mother from Queensland said, “Through doing the ITGM training I now know that I need to read my Bible and pray more. Since the training ended, I have already connected with a member of the Fruit Pickers team who will mentor me through this”. The energy and enthusiasm that new believers display when they grasp the message of ITGM is inspiring. God is certainly moving!

Discovery Dinners also continue to see many big changes in the lives of the participants. A couple recently moved to Cairns (far north in Queensland) as a result of God speaking to them through the Discovery Dinners. They are intentionally involved in their community and are getting to know people in their neighbourhood.

Please continue to pray for strategy, wisdom and break-through as the Fruit Pickers team move forward in obedience to go and make disciples.