Two Four Eight Team

The past couple of years have seen a lot of shifts and changes within the core team of Two Four Eight. Although the team seems to have been flung to the four corners of the earth, it has remained strong and focused. Online training has exceeded expectations, with new catalysts taking on more of the training and mentoring responsibilities.

David and Michelle relocated to KwaZulu Natal in April 2021. The Lord has blessed them with a home that is perfect for hosting and training. In the time that they have been there, many leaders and teams have come to stay.

Doug and his family returned to the USA in the same period after serving South Africa for 10 years. Their prayer is to see authentic God Movements emerge that are locally led and transformative among the people and society.

Soraja, along with her family, relocated to Rustenburg in the Northwest Province. They have been blessed with a beautiful home. Her husband, Sarel is the Head of Mathematics Department at a local high school. Soraja continues to serve the team and keep everyone on track with her strong communications skills.

Ghibeau and his wife, Annelie, relocated to the beautiful coastal town, Mossel Bay in the Eastern Cape. As Operations Manager he now ploughs through all his work with a spectacular view.

Brad, who joined the team in 2019, together with his wife, Marty, reside in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Brad visits South Africa a number of times a year to join the core team meetings, as well as add incredible value to Disciple-Making Team in Cape Town.

Michael, who joined the team in 2020, resides with Allison and their handsome son, Aeden in Cape Town. Michael headed up the Research Project which has added invaluable information to the work on the ground.

Ryan and Becky Bothma volunteered with Two Four Eight for a year. They are a passionate couple from Australia. They have since returned to Australia, and have now added James to their family. They continue to work faithfully with Fruit Pickers, and are believing to see movements where they are.

NEXT: Quest