The Two Four Eight team works hard to catalyse and cultivate teams that will multiply Disciple Making Movements in cities around the world.
During a team planning time in 2022, we clearly heard Jesus saying that we have been relying too much on training and not enough on coaching. This was hard to hear. We had just finished working on a new curriculum that took many months of design and planning.
Thankfully, after some deep reflection and repentance, we started a process of listening and designing that lead to the Movement Coaching Pathway (MCP). A two year, team-based, self-discovery coaching curriculum, with facilitated peer learning coaching groups.
The MCP covers 16 topics from ‘Forming a Healthy Team’ and ‘Abiding Prayer’ to ‘Transitioning Legacy Church’ and ‘Multiplying Pioneer Teams’. It is designed as a coaching journey with local leaders to multiply Disciple Making Movements in their cities.
We are currently running a pilot with 15 teams and we are excited to see the MCP already being multiplied by local leaders through their teams. We believe the strength of the MCP is the long-term commitment to processing and troubleshooting real problems DMM teams face as they multiply disciples in cities.
If you share our passion, get in touch. We would like to run with you!