Training is an integral part of Two Four Eight. Remaining flexible and adapting to the many needs is something we value highly. Whether in a group setting, online, in teams, or as individuals, training continues to expand and have significant impact in the lives of Disciple-Makers.
As paradigms are shifted in organisations, as well as missions and church group, we are seeing more movements of the Gospel move into brokenness and lostness. This training takes place locally, as well as globally.
“Overall the course (Focus) has brought a lot of clarity and direction for many, and those with similar passions have found synergy amongst themselves. We as a church are excited to see what will develop from this”. Jurgen Human, Pastor of City Hill, Pine Town
During the global lock-downs, all the training moved onto Zoom and more teams were reached than would have been possible with regular travel.
Here are some of the comments from leaders that were trained:
“Some of the best Gospel Movements training courses I have attended, suitable for adults who prefer to discover things for themselves instead of being subjected to monologue lessons. Very relevant content, an eye-opener to those who are keen to learn about how to initiate God Movements in cities.” (Abe Thebyane, businessman and church group leader in Johannesburg, South Africa)
“As we have started to journey with Two Four Eight, we have gained new insight and thinking within our network on how to approach and engage different affinities in urban contexts, individually and in teams. There is still a journey ahead of us and we are thrilled to engage with the Two Four Eight training team for future steps.” (Pyry Winter, DMM network leader, Finland)
“We at Urban Expressions have seen much more focus and direction in our team since the training, and we really appreciate the guidance and support from Two Four Eight.” (Elta Lubbe, Urban Expressions, Pretoria, South Africa)
We are so excited to see how teams have taken the initiative to translate the material and create subtitles for the God Movements Module Training. This training is now available in Finnish, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, English, as well a South Asian language.
Please contact us at if you would like to learn more about the various trainings we have to offer.

NEXT: Two Four Eight Team