Scotland awakening

Ryan Corrigan, a Global City Catalyst with Two Four Eight, as well as part of Novo UK, is seeing God move through Disciple-making Movement strategies in Scotland.

“We are encouraged by how the Lord is moving, opening doors for our ministry of encouragement, prayer, and equipping. The Lord is on the move, showing us where to step in and serve in the UK. God is at work here; our job is to discern where and how we can cooperate.” Ryan

Teams moving into various affinities are working in the Highlands area, Perth (Scotland), Glasgow, Edinburgh, Gloucester, and the University of Southampton. A student moving to the University of Exeter is hoping to start a new team there too.

“The aim is to see these teams thrive and be healthy and through them to see new disciples made from the harvest and those disciples developed into effective and healthy disciple makers.”

Please continue to pray for Ryan and Amy and their family, as well as the Scottish and English leaders and teams.