Quest brings Freedom

On the Edge, a Cape Town based ministry, under the leadership of Charles and Val Kadalie, has taken Quest into prisons. These are some of their testimonies . . .

“I am very thankful for Quest, and to God for giving me wisdom to grasp it.  I am able to recognize the obstacles that will keep me from my purpose, things that I need to make right in my life and with others. Quest has helped me know myself, and why I am here.”  

“Quest helps me grow as an individual. I have learned a lot about God’s Word. I am sharing my journey with my wife and kids.”

“A peace has taken hold of me since I started Quest. I am very thankful for the change in my behavior. I already feel like a better person.” 

“I have learnt about the seasons in my life, to know what is right, wrong, and absent in my life. I was addicted to drugs, but through this group I have been clean for 2 months.”

“I have discovered my life’s purpose and the reason God placed me on this earth. I’ve discovered my real identity, and what God is expecting of me.”

“Through Quest I am learning to build a better relationship between myself and God. I have discovered so much about myself. I am learning to make better choices so that I can prepare myself for the day I walk out of prison to impact the world positively.”

“I’ve discovered why I am here, and where I am going. Quest is teaching me how to prioritize and organize my life.”

“Quest has taught me that there are seasons of life. You need to take note of what season you are in and then take the needed steps to improve your situation.” 

“Quest has been very helpful and life-changing. I am learning interesting things, not only about life and God, but also about myself.” 

“What I found very interesting and helpful in Quest was the ‘Wheel of Life’. It showed me areas I need to work on in order to bring stability and balance in my life.”

“Through Quest I learned that I need to take responsibility for my life.” 

“I have been in this journey of life with so many ups and downs and hard life lessons. Through Quest I am learning to plan ahead for my release to family, the outside world and my community. I want to share what I am learning with others.”

“Quest highlights the key values. About what is important in your life. It gives you a chance to stop and think and observe and plan ahead. It makes you realize that you can’t walk a path to success without God in your life.”

Names have been excluded for security reasons.

NEXT: Learning Obedience