Growing up in the Western Cape, Steve experienced much brokenness and a loss of identify when his parents divorced. A deep anger towards his father led to him living on the streets, and in his early teens he was drawn to a life of violent crime. A sense of belonging and provision made this lifestyle seem attractive. Being convicted of armed robbery and hijacking resulted in a 22 year prison sentence.
In prison, establishing a reputation became a means of survival, and violence continued to be an integral part of life in prison. As Steve rose in the prison ranks, the presence of the demonic became stronger too. Visiting psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers in the prison system had no impact on his violent behaviour.
One night, two prisoners were worshiping in the bathroom. Steve, high on drugs, heard a voice calling him to join them. After hearing the voice a second time, Steve went to the men, and weeping, gave his life to the Lord. A joy that he had never known filled him, this joy truly became his strength. Coming to Christ led to Steve forgiving his father, the man he had long held a deep hatred against. An official in prison came to salvation after seeing the change in Steve.
After serving 14 years in prison, Steve was unexpectedly released.
“Meeting Marko, as well as other disciple-makers has been such a great blessing in my life. God also gave me the opportunity to meet Loyiso, a DMM leader in Motherwell, a large township in South Africa.
God has shown me how he wants to bring healing and restoration to Africa. God is busy raising up an army. Dry bones are coming to life and this army is going to break the chains of gangsterism, crime and unemployment. God has said that we should not despise small beginnings. I will not win Africa on my own, but we will, together as a team. He is raising up disciple-makers in our townships.” – Steve